Circle8 is proud partner of the Aston Martin Aramco Formula One® Team.
Circle8 is proud partner of the Aston Martin Aramco Formula One® Team.


Amt Wachsenburg
2 months
40 hours
Start: December 9, 2024
Deadline: January 6, 2025


Apply now

Fill in your details and share your CV to apply for this project and we will take your application into consideration

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Your way to success?

In 7 steps and a few days

  • 1

    Find your project

  • 2

    Apply: send us your CV

  • 3

    We check your profile with the client(s)

  • 4

    Meet by phone with a Circle8 recruiter

  • 5

    Is there a match? We introduce you

  • 6

    Intake interview at the client's premises

  • 7

    Contract and let's go!

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